Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The Hiccup Cure

What do you do when you have the hiccups? Hold your breath? Eat honey? There are lots of things out there, but I never learned the real cure until I got married. Apparently, my husband's family has been holding on to this secret, and I am now sharing it with the world.

It is really very simple and works almost every time. You will need two people; one who has the hiccups and one who does not. The person without hiccups says a line from the following verse. The person with hiccups repeats.

Hiccups, hiccups, I have got.
To my lover I will send them.
If he loves me, he will keep them.
If he doesn't he'll return them.

Then the nonhiccuper instructs the hiccuper to hold their breath for 30 seconds. Magically the hiccups will disappear.

Works for Me Wednesday


  1. that works, huh? We drink water upside down. Something I learned from a muppet when I was 5 years old.

  2. Try drinking a full glass of water with a pencil in your mouth without spilling a drop while sitting in a chair bent over forward

  3. My husband swears by this: hold your breath for ten seconds without moving, and then very slowly (that's the key) drink a glass of water. If you move too quickly, it won't work. I do this, and it honestly works everytime!

  4. A spoonful of sugar never fails to work for me, but it doesn't work for everyone. Now why do you think that is?

  5. I use that with the boys! They think I'm nuts but it works everytime!

  6. LOL Seriously? I drink water through a paper towel. Just drape it over the glass of water and drink.

  7. That's cute...I use a spoon full of sugar.

  8. We use a tablespoon of peanut butter that seems to be fail proof for all in our family, including the mama. I think I'll try this one the next time tho' -- it's cute!

  9. This is hilarious.. comments too! I will agree with the peanut butter cure. I've never seen it not work and you don't have to memorize anything. ;)

  10. The one that works for us (and you need a person to help) is the person with the hiccups drinks a full glass of water while the helper stands behind the hiccuper and holds their hands tightly over the hiccuper's ears. It works every time.
