Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My Foundations Exposed

We toss around a lot of phrases so easily. Such as "Christ is my strength, joy, and peace. He is my foundation. He is everything." Those things are true. In our heads we know they are. We read it in the Bible and we repeat it, but is it our reality? Do we really believe, to the core of our being? Do we "see it" with our hearts?

Sometimes I don't think we know until we are rocked out of our comfort zone. It could be a death, a betrayal, an accident, a sickness, or a lost job. Something that throws us for a loop and exposes where we really place our trust.

I've been in such a place recently. Don't worry, nothing major has happened, but something we thought we could count on has been placed in a state of limbo. How foolish I was to think that anything, outside of Christ, could be counted on. The only thing we have here is Christ and him crucified and our new life in Him.

I've been angry, depressed, scared and just generally distracted by the whole situation. This "limbo" has exposed my foundation. It is not entirely in Christ. I still stand on, take comfort in and depend on the things of this world.

We do have all things in Christ, but "seeing" them is a process. It does not happen all at once. Five years ago in a similar situation I would have been in a panic. I'd be looking for how I could fix things and get back to my comfort zone. I am not doing that now. I am waiting, somewhat patiently. I am praying, "Lord, open my eyes, that I might see you." Ephesians 1:17-19.

That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him, the eyes of our mind having been enlightened, for you to know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones believing according to the working of the might of His strength.

For more on finding our foundations in Christ, I highly recommend The Right Foundations Series, from the Akron Vineyard. This is excellent teaching whether you are a new Christian or have been a Christian for decades. I will be revisiting it soon!


  1. I have to say - that more and more I rely on His guidance and comfort. When I was in 'limbo' earlier this year, I found a place I could just pray, not be distracted and let it 'ripp' (I cleaned the shower and prayed -- great 'prayer closet' :))

  2. Beautiful. "We do have all things in Christ, but "seeing" them is a process." OH, how true...and how comforting to know that he is really all we need. (Now just to get our minds to hear what our hearts know!) Like you said it is a process.

    I pray for your comfort and again thank you for all your heartfelt comments over at my place.
