Sunday, April 16, 2006

Are we nuts?

Well I think you would all agree the answer is yes we are for many reasons. One more to add to the list, we with our four kids including a 6 week old, decided to, got ready for and left for a four and 1/2 hour trip to Akron all within an hour and a half.

Tim was off Friday and we got some work done around the house and had Ashley and Miles over in the evening and overnight. Our plan Saturday was to go shopping for ceiling fans and other house hold things. As we are getting ready to go shopping mom comes and tells us Jake is not doing better. There have been some issues with the care at the hospital (I will leave that for Delilah to explain) and they are thinking of moving him to Cleveland Clinic. Dad also was out of his meds b/c he did not expect to be staying so long. Tim and I decided in about 5 minutes to go and were on the road in about an hour and a half.

We are in Akron now. We saw Jake yesterday he seemed better (than what I had heard), but today is worse again and Delilah says there has been no real improvement over all, he has only gotten worse since he has been there. Mastoiditis (sp?) has now been diagnosed. Delilah has done research on this and it is very rare (0.4%) in adults. This is what caused the meningitis. Care issues continue to be a problem and it has been very frustrating for everyone, especially Delilah. She has decided to move him to Cleveland Clinic and we are now waiting for a room assignment and transport.

More news as I get it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Steph, for bringing us up-to-date. We're continuing to pray for Jake and all of you.
    Aunt Nancy.
