Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The First Day of School & Tuesday Links

Actually, we've been doing school, but today was the first day of co-op. The way my kids were acting this morning you would have thought it was the first day of school. They were so excited for co-op and to see their friends. It was cute.

I also felt like it was my first day of school. I actually taught a class today. Last year I hid in the nursery all year. I did have a good excuse the first half, as Vivian was nursing a lot still. The second half of the year she really didn't need me so much, but I stayed and played with the babies anyway. This year I am going to help more with the older kids.

We are studying the Civil War this semester, and I taught a geography/history lesson about which states were Union and Confederate. I felt like I was teaching school again; planning a lesson, running a classroom, it was kind of fun, but I am glad I don't have to do it everyday anymore.

The kids had a great time. Vivian wouldn't stay in the nursery though. GRRR! She went with the preschoolers. She does this at church too because she is the only one in the nursery. She didn't know any of the adults in the nursery, but knew the preschool teacher. Nolan was there also. The kids are already looking forward to the next session in two weeks. Kellen is giving me suggestions for what I should teach the whole semester too. He wants me to do the food. He said the food is his favorite part and my cooking is the best. Aw isn't he sweet!


Make it From Scratch

Festival of Frugality

Carnival of Money Stories

Top 100 Personal Finance Blogs

Carnival of Recipes - Late summer favorites. Next week recipes that make you remember childhood.

Carnival of Natural Family Living

Carnival of Homeschooling

Carnival of Family Life


  1. Thanks for linking to the Carnival of Money Stories. I liked the little turtle :).
    FIRE Finance

  2. It sounds like you've got a great co-op!
