Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Ready or Not!

Here I sit Christmas Eve morning and I can hardly believe that it is already here. In fact, I can hardly believe that it is December. Where has all time gone?

I clearly remember a beautiful summer night. The family was relaxing together with a group of friends. We pulled chairs out onto our host's driveway to watch the fireworks display. It was a wonderful evening.

A few short days later and our lives changed forever. Everything since then is a blur. Since that day there have been a lot of tears. There have been a lot of changes. There has been a lot of work.

It has not all been difficult. There have been moments of fun, of joy, and of laughter. There have been celebrations, and there has been a lot of love. It has just all happened at warp speed. So fast, that it can hardly make an impression on my brain.

Now, here we are on the verge of Christmas, whether I am ready or not, and by many standards I am not. We virtually did no baking this year. Goody trays were not made up, nor sent to their usual places. Fewer gifts were mailed, and those that were sent were of purchased items instead of our traditional homemade things. No cards were mailed. No Christmas projects were completed. It isn't that I didn't want to do those things, it just didn't get done. On many counts, I am not ready for Christmas.

In other ways, though, I am completely ready for Christmas. We chose many years ago to forgo the running around on Christmas Day. We visit with extended family on other days through the season, but Christmas is spent at home. Today and tomorrow will be very quiet days. We will attend a Christmas Eve service tonight, and tomorrow the kids will open their presents, and we will spend a quiet (as it gets) and restful day together. That my friends is something I am very ready for.

May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas Stephanie. I am so sorry for the rough year that you guys have had. Your spirit is one that I admire, and gives me hope for the rough times that I am sure will come to us one day. Enjoy your quiet time at home...we decided to do the same this year, and I am really looking forward to it!

  2. How did you get the big kid to smile?! He looks like the lovable kid he is when he smiles. Love the photo and the article, and all of you.
    Aunt N.

  3. I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas. I know how it is, I did not get any Christmas cards sent out this year but it seems like there is never enough time in the day sometimes.

  4. Stephanie, you have brought tears to my eyes. I am so grateful to know you and that you have shared so much with us. I pray that the joy and peace of Christmas will still fill your heart.


  5. Thank you for sharing Stephanie. A New Year with new beginnings should bring new joy to your life.

    Blessings Fiona

  6. Merry Christmas to you too. May the coming year be a lot brighter than this one.

  7. I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas weekend.

