Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Nobody Again?

Today, I am doing laundry and the dishwasher is running too. I hear this strange sound that I can't quite place. I stopped the washer to look inside. Everything appeared normal, and I thought it must be something in the dishwasher rubbing up against the top rack. I went to investigate, and realized that the sound really was coming from the washer not the dishwasher.

Of course, the worst thoughts pop in to mind. The sound must be coming from the machinery. The washer is broken, and we'll have to spend time and money, neither of which we have in abundance, on fixing the darn thing. I stopped the machine again to look inside. This time the cause of the noise was abundantly clear, and laying right on top of the wet laundry in the machine.

Now, how did those get in there? I'm sure nobody knows.


  1. We have a mysterious rock collector at our house too, only he has no one he else he can blame things on, being that he is the only kid in the house~heehee! Those are some pretty impressive rocks, hope the machine isn't hurt.
    God Bless Boys ;-)

  2. We always got fishing worms in our laundry. lol.

  3. When the boys were little, they went to "Oak Grove Preschool" and would bring home pockets full of acorns. :o) I feel your pain.

  4. That's hilarious!!!!! "Hey, Kids! Family Meeting - NOW!" LOL

  5. Rocks, nails, screws, rubber bands,pocket knives and even bullets...yes, bullets, have been found in my wash.
    Ain't life with boys an adventure?

  6. I'm actually inclined right now to think it was a girl at fault for this one. The littlest girl actually.

    Small farm girl,
    Fishing worms. that had to be gross in the washer.

    Bullet have been found here too, but I know which "boy" is responsible for those. :)

  7. We have a mysterious rock collector at our house too, only he has no one he else he can blame things on, being that he is the only kid in the house~heehee! Those are some pretty impressive rocks, hope the machine isn't hurt.
