Saturday, July 19, 2008

Filling in the blanks

Alright so my last post was a little brief and some people would like more details. I'm happy to oblige.

Roller Coasters & Rock Bands
Last weekend I made an unexpected trip to Kings Island for three days. My parents had promised to take my oldest niece and nephew along with my two oldest to Spirit Song. Papaw isn't a huge fan of amusement parks to start with, and he wasn't feeling well that week. So, he asked me if I'd like to go instead, and I did.

This was the first year Lydia was tall enough to ride the big coasters. For the most part she rode all that she could, and loved it. The people on the platform cheered for her when we were in the cars for Son of the Beast. The attendant made Lydia get out to double check her height. When Lydia got back in the people still waiting cheered for her. That was one of the last coasters
we rode.. Honestly, it was a little much for Lydia, but she was a trooper about it.

We spent the days riding rides or at the water park. The evening were spent at the concerts. "Rock Band" may be a stretch for some of the artists there, but there was some rockin' bands there like Skillet and Kutless. Kellen loved these. Lydia said they were too loud. It is funny how seeing groups live is completely different than just listening. Some groups I like recorded were not that great live. My favorite live was Toby Mac. I also enjoyed Jeremy Camp and David Crowder.

Kellen, Lydia, and Nolan too will soon be getting some more roller coasters in. They will be heading to Cedar Point with Tim's parents the first week of August.

Rabbits & Rockets
These are Kellen's 4-H projects this year. The fair starts Monday (Kellen's birthday.) He's been busy finishing up his project books, making display posters, and getting the rabbits tame enough to handle in the show ring. I guarantee you will hear more about all this in the next week or two.

Beans and Blackberries
The beans are producing full force. 51 quarts canned so far. The first planting is starting to fizzle, but the second is still going strong.

The blackberries are late this year, but they are beautiful. We've eaten some, made a cobbler and one batch of freezer jam. Then we started selling them.

A few weeks ago an acquaintance noticed all the unripe berries along our drive and asked me if we sold them. My first reaction was no, and that is what I told her. Later I thought why not? It would be a great way for the kids to make a little cash. They were all for it, so I sent an email out to some of our homeschool group. I offered for anyone to come and pick free. Our plants are loaded. Then I offered them for sale picked if anyone was interested. We got requests for 26 quarts!

There are plenty of berries, but we've (Yes, we. I've been helping!) been picking for orders first. I will get more for jam, shrub or other things when we are done.

Other news
Lydia got ten inches cut off her hair! You can see pictures here.

Vivian is no longer sleeping in the crib. While the older two and I were in King's Island Viv wanted to sleep in the bottom bunk the whole time. Tim let her, and she liked it. So, the crib came down.

We had our first lamb from the farm. It is delicious. I'm not sure why lamb isn't more popular in the U.S. It really is good. I was expecting a stronger flavor, but apparently that is only in mutton (sheep over a year old.) Our lamb was five months old and the flavor is wonderful.

Ok. I think I'm caught up on the details now! :) It has been a busy week, no a busy month, no a busy summer. . . I'm going to bed!


  1. Wow, you guys have been busy. My Mom canned some green beans for us. That was great. I sure would like to get some of those blackberries but it doesn't seem like we will be down anytime soon with the move, hospital stay, job hunt.......all the not fun stuff.

    BTW...I saw Toby Mac live once and thought, 'why don't I like him? He sounds great?!'. Then I went home and listened to him in I can't stand him recorded.

  2. We have a good many blackberries, but not NEARLY that many! We can barely keep them picked for the Queen to eat. We should be able to get enough for a cobbler or two before the season is over, as long as we hide them.
    We're experimenting with some peppers and a watermelon in our one sunny spot. If they succeed we may try some beans next year.
    I LOVE roller coasters - so glad Lydia got to enjoy them this time!

  3. Our blackberries are just coming on this week, I can't wait! I want to try canning this year if we get enough out of the garden with the cool wet weather we've been having. I LOVE Kings Island, how fun that Lydia was tall enough to ride the "big" rides this year.
