Friday, October 02, 2009

Now Entering the Pre-teen Years

Kellen and I have been butting heads a bit lately. He is showing us some glimpses of what the teen years may be like. It ain't pretty. But sometimes it is rather funny.

Part of his school work includes a daily writing prompt. He picks from random prompts at Writing Fix. Today his prompt was, "When was a time you laughed when you shouldn't have?" He chose to relate an incident that occurred earlier today. Imagine you are hearing this story, it will make more sense. This is what he wrote, "A time I laughed when I should not have was when mom was talking to me and told me I was habitual. I asked her what that meant. She asked what the root word is. I told her it was bitch."

Now what he didn't explain is that we were having a serious conversation about how he habitually has to be asked to do everything multiple times. And that after we finally got to the real root word of habitual, he continued to giggle throughout the whole conversation. When I would look at him and ask why he was giggling, his response was, "Oh nothing." Of course we all know exactly what he was thinking about. I am sure he heard nothing that I said after that incident, and the conversation will need to be repeated. Right now he is watching me type while he has a permanent marker dangling from his nostril.

Lord, help me! I don't think both Kellen and I will survive these next few years.


  1. I choked on my Coke! I have had teenagers and they make you want to laugh and cry at the same time. Godspeed.

  2. Actually, Steph, your post about Kellen is why my last FB has the Zits cartoon. :)

  3. And I thought the toddler years were the most mind boggling. :-P

  4. Sarah,
    I've read many times that the toddler and teen years are very similar.

  5. I guess its a good thing I'm the only one in the room right now because I'm sure I'd get some funny looks and questions as to what my laughing outburst was about. Ahhhh, kids...gotta love 'em!

  6. good look with the teen years, my 2 kids out 3 will be 19yrs & 18yrs and they still act like that, the toddler years was a blessing compare to the tweens and teens. good luck and that was funny any their will be more of it.

  7. I have always said & believed that God gave us the teenage years because by the time they are ready to leave home, we are ready for them to get out!!Don't tell Kellen I said "Good Comeback" but I really don't think it should of been directed towards you!!

  8. LOL, I told you that 12 is bad, it gets better after that though! Angela

  9. Still laughing, dread those years. My boys only 9 and he seems to try me more now then ever. Lordy, Lordy what am I in for.
