Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Fever

Spring is always an exciting time. It is a time of anticipation, a time for new things. I've caught the bug.

I've started plants. Some of them I started too early, and am going to have to transplant and find a inside place for until it really warms up. I knew better, but I couldn't help myself! I wanted to have things growing!

I've made a lot of plans for the upcoming season, and have been itching to get them started! I've spent a little too much time browsing facebook and craigslist farming ads. We don't have any spring babies coming this year, and I think I'm compensating by bringing new animals to the farm.

We have our first batch broilers going, and another batch is coming next week. We've made a deal to get some rabbits soon. We haven't had rabbits for a couple years, and I am excited to start again. The pens need a little TLC before they come, and we are thinking about some ways to tractor them also.

We purchased turkeys! We've never had turkeys before. We brought these beauties home on Saturday. I love watching them, and love the sounds that they make.  The hens are laying, and we hope that they will hatch out some eggs this spring.

And our long awaited new arrival, Stella, came home today.

She has a future as a livestock guardian ahead of her, but today all the kids wanted to do was hold her and love her. Who can blame them? She is an adorable ball of fur!

Spring garden work needs to get here soon, and keep me busy. Who know what other animals I might bring home if it doesn't?


  1. What a cutie!!!! Your right! A big ball of fur! lol

  2. STELLA!!
    Couldn't resist. She is adorable.
