Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dear Six Year Old,

Dear Six Year Old,

I love you very much, and am happy to grant your requests with in certain guidelines and boundaries. Your latest request, alone time, fits well into the category of things that I am happy to give you. It is a big place out there. Please go find some space, and be alone for awhile. I will gladly keep your siblings from following you and disturbing your peace.

Please note, however, that when you request "alone time" which includes playing with one sister while excluding the other, you have gone beyond the boundaries of requests that I am willing to grant. By definition, my young son, that is not a request for alone time. The request is to leave out your younger sister. It is not a request that I will support.

You may scream, "It isn't fair" as much as you like. I never said I was able to give you fair. You may throw yourself on the floor. You may cry. You may kick and punch the floor or other things that you can not break, but you will do so away from me. You will do it alone in your room. As I said before, alone time I am more than willing to allow you.

I hope you enjoy your alone time. I wish you could take advantage of it without the current distress that it seems to be causing you. Alone time can be a precious gift. It is one that I wish I had at this moment.

When you are finished with the screaming, kicking, and crying, you are welcome to come and join us again. You may choose to play with all your siblings who want to play, or you may choose to seek a place for a more peaceful time to be alone. The choice is yours.

Love you,


  1. perfect... I love this letter. Stephanie you so make me smile and wish I could be more like you ;)I am so happy I can call you friend you make my day.

  2. Beautiful post. Alone time is so important at every age. Someday, he'll understand your wisdom.

  3. Well said! I have a six year old as well...the seem to be very similar! ha ha

  4. Best thing I have read all day, thank you. (Good Job Mom!)

  5. Steph, awesome and perfect. I always told my kids, to play is to engage anyone who with joyful intent wants to spend time with you. by being picky, you might miss out on some wonderful memories! All the best. Alex
